Return Policy

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We guarantee you will be completely satisfied with your purchase of Li-Lac Chocolates. Your order is guaranteed to arrive in perfect condition at the shipping address provided, and if you are not completely satisfied with the quality or freshness of any item, please contact us within (5) days of receiving your order and we will replace it free of charge. We may request that the product be returned in order to receive a replacement.

We do not accept returns and refunds are not provided. 

When contacting us, please include the following information: 
  • Order number
  • Shipping address
  • Description of your issue
  • Photos of damaged product, shipping box, or incorrect item (if applicable).
Please note, Li-Lac Chocolates is not responsible when your recipient is out of town or unavailable to accept the delivery, or when you provide an incorrect or incomplete shipping address. Please be sure to verify the shipping address before placing your order and to include a street number, company name, suite, and/or apartment number (when applicable) to ensure proper delivery. 
We do not offer refunds for returned packages. Shipments that are returned or require rerouting will be subject to an additional reshipment charge and/or relabeling for the carrier. 
In-Store Purchases
If you are not completely satisfied with the quality or freshness of any item purchased at one of our stores, please return the unused portion to any Li-Lac Chocolate store and we will replace the item. Refunds are not provided.
International Shipments.
All international shipments are subject to International Customs. Please note: the recipient will be responsible for any duties, taxes, or customs fees imposed by the importing country, which are collected cash on delivery (C.O.D).  Unfortunately, we are unable to take responsibility for international parcels once they leave our facility. Therefore, we are unable to offer refunds for orders that are incorrectly addressed, lost, damaged, or delayed by the US shipping carrier and/or International Customs and/or the local country's delivery service. Please take this into consideration before placing your order.

Questions? Please check out our FAQ page!  

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